Baby Hates Tummy Time! – Helpful Tips for Moms

Embarking on the journey of motherhood comes with an array of rewarding experiences and significant milestones. Among these, tummy time stands as a pivotal activity that plays a crucial role in your baby’s growth and development, especially when the baby hates tummy time. It’s a time for your baby to explore new sensations, build strength, and lay the foundation for essential motor skills. As your baby’s dedicated guide, you’re undoubtedly invested in making every moment count. However, the path of tummy time isn’t always smooth, as many moms find that their babies resist this activity. This article aims to provide you with expert advice, creative strategies, and actionable solutions to transform the challenge of tummy time into an enjoyable and enriching experience for both you and your precious little one.

Reasons for Baby’s Dislike of Tummy Time

Baby's Dislike of Tummy Time

One significant factor contributing to your baby’s dislike of tummy time is the difficulty of lifting their head against gravity, which stems from their underdeveloped neck muscles. As your baby’s neck muscles continue to strengthen over time, they will gradually become more comfortable and confident in lifting their head during tummy time. To ensure that tummy time is a positive experience for your baby, there are various techniques and strategies that you can implement.

Making Tummy Time Enjoyable

Creating an enjoyable tummy time experience involves introducing incline positions, such as placing your baby on your chest, utilizing a therapy ball, adding a towel under their chest, applying gentle pelvic pressure, and of course using the popular Boppy Tummy Time Pillow. These positions not only provide support but also help your baby gradually adapt to the sensation of being on their tummy. Engaging your baby with high-contrast toys and mirrors can stimulate their visual senses and make tummy time more enjoyable. Additionally, incorporating face-to-face interaction can encourage your baby to rotate their neck, aiding in the development of their neck muscles. The “Super Baby” position, where you hold your baby over your forearm, is another technique that can help your baby get accustomed to tummy time and gradually build tolerance.

Boppy Tummy Time Pillow

Expert Advice

Pediatricians universally emphasize the immense significance of tummy time in shaping your baby’s holistic development. This practice, while initially met with potential resistance, holds the key to unlocking a myriad of benefits for your little one. As your baby transitions through their early developmental stages, the role of tummy time cannot be overstated.

Tummy time isn’t solely about reducing the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), although that is an important aspect. Placing your baby on their stomach while they are awake and under supervision leads to the strengthening of essential muscles, particularly in the neck, shoulders, and arms. These strengthened muscles are the building blocks for crucial motor skills that your baby will gradually develop. Moreover, tummy time plays a pivotal role in preventing the formation of flat spots on the baby’s head, promoting well-rounded physical development.

Improve Tummy Time

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends incorporating tummy time as a countermeasure to the widely embraced “back to sleep” sleeping position. By integrating this practice into your baby’s daily routine, you are fostering their overall development. Starting with short sessions just a few days after birth, you can gradually increase tummy time duration to 15-30 minutes daily by the time your baby reaches two months old. However, it’s essential to remember that your baby’s comfort and tolerance levels should always be taken into consideration.

If you find the journey of introducing tummy time challenging or seek to enhance your baby’s experience further, there’s a wealth of resources available. You don’t need to navigate this path alone. Seeking guidance from physical or occupational therapists who specialize in infant development can provide tailored strategies, and address your baby’s unique needs and progress. These experts understand the nuances of infant development and can provide valuable insights into how to make tummy time a rewarding experience for both you and your baby.

Incorporating tummy time into your daily routine is a proactive step toward ensuring your baby’s overall development. By following the recommendations of experts and paying attention to your baby’s cues, you can unlock the potential of tummy time as a cornerstone in your baby’s journey toward mastering essential motor skills and physical development.

Strategies to Improve Tummy Time

Improve Tummy Time

Enhancing tummy time involves strategic planning. Choose cheerful moments for tummy time sessions and place your baby on your chest to establish a sense of security, or use the Boppy Tummy Time Pillow. Introduce age-appropriate toys to capture their interest and consider participating on the floor to create a bonding experience. To aid head lifting and build neck muscles, a yoga ball can be a valuable tool. Remember, a gradual increase of tummy time duration is key to your baby’s comfort and engagement.

Overcoming Discomfort

Crying during tummy time is common, but there are ways to address it. Experiment with different positions and activities to find what suits your baby best. Waiting a short while after feeding can prevent discomfort or spit-up issues. If your baby experiences reflux, reclining with them on your chest can offer relief and allow them to engage in tummy time more comfortably, perhaps using a popular pillow like the Boppy Tummy Time Prop.

Boppy Tummy Time Prop

Alternatives to Traditional Tummy Time

If your baby shows consistent resistance to traditional tummy time, don’t be disheartened. You can explore alternatives such as using toys and changing the locations for tummy time. Taking the activity outdoors or opting for a chest-to-chest position can provide a refreshing change and stimulate your baby’s curiosity.

Bonding and Engagement during Tummy Time

Tummy time offers an excellent opportunity for bonding with your baby. Engage them in conversation, use high-contrast cards, and introduce more toys as they grow. Playful movements and exploration of their surroundings can turn tummy time into an exciting adventure.

Engagement during Tummy Time

Gradual Progression

Remember that progress takes time. Begin with short tummy time sessions and gradually increase the duration as your baby becomes more comfortable. Aim for multiple practice sessions throughout the day, focusing on times when your baby is well-rested and content.


Tummy time

As you embark on the journey of tummy time with your baby, remember that this phase is a cornerstone of their developmental progression. While it may appear daunting at first, the rewards are immeasurable, shaping not only their physical abilities but also their cognitive and sensory skills.

As parents, embracing patience and grace is paramount. Your role as a guide during tummy time is crucial, as you offer a nurturing environment for your baby to explore their abilities and make meaningful progress. Every milestone achieved during tummy time is a reason to celebrate, reminding you of the immense impact your efforts are having on your baby’s growth and overall well-being.

The significance of tummy time is underscored by experts in the field of infant development. Pediatricians across the board emphasize the long-term benefits of tummy time, including strengthened muscles and the cultivation of essential motor skills. These skills are not just building blocks for physical milestones like sitting, crawling, and walking but also serve as a foundation for future cognitive and sensory development. Placing your baby on their stomach, even when your baby hates tummy time, when they are awake and under supervision contributes to preventing issues like flat head syndrome and twisted neck, ensuring that they embark on their developmental journey with a strong foundation.

As you witness your baby’s progress during tummy time, you’re witnessing their determination and growth. Remember, each moment spent during tummy time, even when your baby hates tummy time, is a step toward their development. It’s a testament to your dedication as a parent and your commitment to fostering their potential. If you ever find yourself uncertain or seeking additional support, don’t hesitate to consult a pediatrician or other experts in infant development. They can offer tailored insights and guidance, ensuring that your baby’s journey through tummy time is both enriching and joyful.


Why my baby hates tummy time?
Babies might dislike tummy time due to undeveloped neck muscles and unfamiliar positions. Gradual adaptation and creative approaches can help overcome this aversion.

When should I start tummy time with my newborn?
Tummy time can begin even with newborns. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends starting early and gradually increasing the duration.

How can I engage my baby during tummy time?
Use high-contrast toys, mirrors, and face-to-face interaction. As your baby grows, introduce more toys and playful movements to keep them engaged.

What if my baby cries during tummy time?
It’s normal for babies to cry during tummy time. Experiment with different positions, wait after feeding, and consider alternatives to make the experience more comfortable.

Can tummy time help prevent flat head syndrome?
Yes, tummy time plays a role in preventing flat head syndrome by encouraging movement and strengthening neck muscles.

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Ali Salina

Parenthood brings me immense joy, and I've discovered the best gear for my little one. Now, I'm excited to share my experiences and research with you. Let's navigate the world of baby gear together and make this parenting journey a breeze!

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